Please submit your requests on our reservation page to receive the most up to date information on available kittens or kittens on the way! Kittens will go home between 10-12 weeks. Please understand that each kitten is an individual and may not mature at the same rate as its siblings. Each kitten must be completely weaned, litter box trained, have an established immune system, have age appropriate vaccinations/de-worming and be emotionally ready to leave its mom. Under NO circumstances will a kitten leave prior to 10 weeks of age.
Mirage Maines operates a healthy kitten cattery and guarantees all kittens are in good health, free of PKD and all other major diseases (to the best of the Mirage Maines Cattery knowledge) at the time of sale. Mirage Maine Cattery offers a money back guarantee if the cat/kitten is returned within seventy-two (72) hours provided that the request to return is accompanied by a written veterinarian statement describing any illness.
Mirage Maines guarantees the kitten is free of any hereditary malformations (genetic defects) to the best of the Mirage Maines knowledge at the time of sale. In the event a fatal genetic defect is found in the kitten, Mirage Maines agrees to replace the kitten within six (6) months, with another kitten of equal value, when a kitten is available. This is contingent on the buyer being notified, in writing, of any fatal genetic defect health issues by a veterinarian. A necropsy report (to be paid by BUYER) with an explanation by the kitten’s attending veterinarian must be provided to the Mirage Maines prior to replacement of kitten being given to the purchaser. No medical costs are refunded. No money for cost of kitten will be refunded.